The Honourable Richard C. Gates, K.C.
Retired Judge, Superior Court of Justice – Ontario

The Honourable Richard C. Gates, K.C. was appointed to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in 2003, sitting in Windsor and serving the Southwest Region of Ontario through 2015. While a member of the Court he served as a Director and President of the Ontario Superior Court Judges’ Association.
He then established a private practice, Richard Gates Mediation & Arbitration Services Ltd., for the purpose of conducting mediations and arbitrations, based in Windsor, with retainers across Ontario. In the course of both his legal and judicial careers, spanning five decades, he focused primarily on civil litigation matters.
Richard maintains a dispassionate attitude, and is able to objectively articulate complex situations. In the course of mediating hundreds of cases, he has established a reputation for perseverance, patience and tact. He is recognized as a fair and thorough mediator with strong negotiation skills, who encourages discussion between the parties to achieve positive results.
Litigants can benefit from his range of experience as a trial lawyer, Superior Court Judge, and seasoned mediator, in guiding the dispute resolution process. Aside from his understanding of legal issues, he recognizes that some cases will inevitably have to be tried.
As an experienced arbitrator, cases are efficiently managed with a view to conducting a fair and impartial hearing to give the parties the opportunity to fully present their grievances. Ultimately, the parties rely on his attentiveness to the evidence, and sound judgment when determining a final award.
A good settlement is better than a good lawsuit
Abraham Lincoln
Participatory Justice
Richard is pleased to offer his assistance in any of the following principal areas
Critical injury and insurance
Product liability
Corporate disputes
Professional liability
Commercial disputes
Medical malpractice